Oct 31, 2021Liked by David Foong


Sincere and honest article.

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This topic brings back memories. Work performance evaluation and goal setting each year were my least favourite activities. It's worse than cleaning the shower (which is the chore that I dread the most). They are a necessary evil for an organisation, particularly a large one. They need tools to manage the equity of their hundreds and thousands of employees as well as ensuring that the company's directions are being followed.

Unlike personal goals which involve doing things that inspire you, move you and mean something to you; corporate goals are about achieving someone else's goals, and well, profits. I wish I had understood this blatantly obvious difference. It sounds really crazy but I didn't. I drank the kool-aid and put emotions into my work goals as if they were my personal goals and then wondered why it never felt good.

Real performance management is done on a day to day basis with a supervisor that you manage to develop a good relationship with. It is in the (mutual) feedback and discussions with someone that you trust and respect that enable personal growth and career development. It is where the best work is done. This is also where a bit of luck comes in. Alas, you can't choose your family, neighbours and who you work with.

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